When it comes to internet marketing, a solid SEO strategy is the gift that keeps on giving. After all, being at the top of the search engine rankings can bring you valuable traffic and profits that you wouldn't have been able to get anywhere else!
But, the SEO world is an incredibly complex one. There are all kinds of tools and techniques to legitimately boost your search ranking - and it seems like there are new tips coming out all of the time.
Plus, SEO takes a lot of work - especially ecommerce SEO. It is not the kind of thing that you will ever be "finished" with. Once you implement an ecommerce SEO strategy, you have to work at it to maintain your ranking.
So, should you handle your SEO work yourself?
That's the question that many business owners agonize over. In order to make the right decision, you have to weigh the pros and cons.
Benefits to outsourcing your SEO work:
1. You don't have to devote any time to it
If you're a business owner, you probably have too much on your plate as it is. If you simply can't handle something else, it's best to outsource your SEO work. After all, if you don't have enough time to devote to SEO, it's not going to do you any good.
2. You can get true professionals to do it for you
Chances are you're not an SEO expert. When you outsource the work, there is no learning curve, and you don't have to worry about learning SEO on the fly. Instead, experts handle the work properly, right from the start. Many times, experts can get results faster than you can on your own.
3. It's cheaper than hiring a full-time employee
You can save yourself a ton of time by hiring a full-time employee to work on your SEO strategy. However, you'll also have to pay that person a salary and benefits. When you outsource, you pay a flat fee that's much lower.
Benefits to doing the work yourself:
1. You'll know your SEO is being taken seriously
If you do the work yourself, you know that the person handling everything has a vested interest in its success.
2. You get spared the frustration of working with a shady SEO firm
There are lots of good and bad SEO companies out there. If you're not careful, you could end up with one of the bad ones - and a headache.
If you don't have the budget to hire a reputable SEO firm, you're probably better off doing the work yourself. After all, if you pay peanuts, you tend to get monkeys!
3. You'll get to learn the ins and outs of SEO yourself
If you like to keep track of the latest marketing trends, you might actually find your SEO work enjoyable - even if it is another responsibility.
Kirsty LaVier is editor for Shopping Cart Reviews, the leading site dedicated to helping you find the Best Shopping Cart.