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Monday, November 15, 2010

PHP content Management System- Easy and Convenient

If you want to design a website for personal use or for commercial purposes there are a few terms which you should know before you get on with the work yourself or assign someone to do it for you. "PHP," "content management system” and “Joomla” are some of the terms which you should be well aware of. Below we will try to learn about PHP content Management System, PHP and Joomla and how they are important in designing websites.

PHP or the "personal home page," is a scripting language which is used by most web designers who are tasked with development of dynamic web pages which requires a lot of future changes and updations. PHP is open source software and is compatible with most of the web browsers. When a web page which is using PHP is crawled by the crawler of the search engine, it analyses the PHP codes and creates the web page as the final result which the user can see. Now PHP is mostly used for great6ing the styles while the search engines are mainly interested about the contents on the basis of which it ranks the site. PHP content Management System or the CMS is a process which utilizes the PHP scripting language to create the web page and at the same time manages the contents with the help of HTML. Thus this software helps you to create contents, documents and the images also. Therefore the crawlers of search engines can easily rate the site on the basis of the quality of the content. PHP content Management System helps to create more attractive web pages and at the same time making the content more useful and easily manageable. The biggest advantage of PHP content Management System is that it can be handled by even novices who have scant knowledge or experience of programming. There are many templates which one can choose while using the PHP content Management System.

PHP content Management System stores the data in different databases and makes it easier to be accessed by both the user and the search engines. Joomla is a very good example of PHP content Management System. It is a CMS system which uses the PHP programming language and stores information in a database. It has got many advantages like
1.    Page caching,
2.    RSS feeds,
3.    Printable versions of pages,
4.    News flashes,
5.    Blogs,
6.    Polls,
7.    Website searching,
8.    Language internationalization.

Joomla extensions and templates are available in the compressed forms like Zip files or RAR and can be used accordingly.

Ecommerce Web Development- Markedly different web designing

Ecommerce Web Development is markedly different from the regular genre of web designs. The Ecommerce Web Development process is a very dynamic process which is neccissated by the need for addition of new products which are released and old products are removed. It also requires a large number of visitors who would be attracted by the wares or services which are for sale on the web site. Ecommerce Web Development must be accomplished in such a fashion that the site is user friendly and grabs the attention of the user. There are many tools which can be used to make the site very attractive. Flash is a technology which can be used to get the desired effects.

Any Ecommerce Web Development company will agree to the usefulness of Flash to design the web pages. The website can be made very useful and attractive. Any Ecommerce Web Development program is all about the creating a visual impact and flash files can help in the process. Flash files help the presentation of the content in an attractive manner and with minimum space and efforts. HTML texts are not very user friendly and therefore most Ecommerce Web Development services use flash.

But there are some limitations of using flash in any website development. The biggest dis-advantage of flash is that it is not search engine friendly. Most search engine crawlers are programmed to assess and rate any site on the contents present in the web. Flash can act as a valuable addendum and help to increase traffic. It cannot be expected to be ranked very high by the search engines. There are many web crawlers which omit the flash files and only crawl on the contents to assess the site. Since search engine can drive a lot of traffic towards the website therefore it will be foolish to neglect this aspect also.

Usability of the site is sometimes adversely affected and the site will take a lot of time to open if it contains a lot of Flash files. A judicious mix of content with HTML and graphics with the use of flashy is the best strategy to maximize the benefits of flash and minimize the negative points. This I true especially for people who have the older versions of modems or are not using the broadband internet connections. These sites containing flash files will take a very long time to open. Therefore any Ecommerce Web Development services will use flash appropriately to soothe the eyes and at the same time bypass the hurdles associated with it.

Corporate Website Design- Creating a Corporate Identity on the web

The web has revolutionized how we can get on with the daily chores and more and more people are shifting towards controlling their lifestyle from their computers. The web has been used for many tasks such as shop, learn, order food, watch TV, listen to music and run businesses almost entirely from your computer console. Most corporate housed have their website and are using the net to advertise and offer services to the users. Every corporate has some brands and a Corporate Website Design which serve to give a brand identity to the company.  Once established the going becomes smoother and many products can be increased and the business diversified. The Corporate Website Design is an integral part of any website as it helps to expose the power of branding and advertisement in any medium especially the internet.

Though to create a Corporate Website Design, so that the corporate house can have a brand identity is much easier on the net as compared to other forms of mediums. This is because in conventional styles of advertisements leads a lot of wastage in the form of efforts for targeting the wrong users. With internet this is not to be so since you can pinpoint the users who have a need to get your services or products. Only one has to ensure that you target the correct group and so also to build a persona for the corporate house which is in line with the image of the company and its products. It is now pointless to use Billboard advertisements when most of the customers are glued to their monitors and searching for discounts.

Creating a Corporate Website Design that reflects the motto of your business house requires the services of modern day artists who are well versed with the modern tools of designing. Therefore to be a success in the online trade you need a good Corporate Website Design along with brand name, style and a scintillating persona which will be brought to the fore by your website. Settling for something less will be like hara-kiri of your business and corporate.

If you are not adept to the art of website designing, it is better to seek some paid professional web designer. Tell him how you visualize you business dreams and ask for a Corporate Website Design which amply brings out this motto. And of course a last bit of advice- Do give some room for the artist to use his creativity and check it when it is done. It would be better than what you have imagined or settled for.