If you want to design a website for personal use or for commercial purposes there are a few terms which you should know before you get on with the work yourself or assign someone to do it for you. "PHP," "content management system” and “Joomla” are some of the terms which you should be well aware of. Below we will try to learn about PHP content Management System, PHP and Joomla and how they are important in designing websites.
PHP or the "personal home page," is a scripting language which is used by most web designers who are tasked with development of dynamic web pages which requires a lot of future changes and updations. PHP is open source software and is compatible with most of the web browsers. When a web page which is using PHP is crawled by the crawler of the search engine, it analyses the PHP codes and creates the web page as the final result which the user can see. Now PHP is mostly used for great6ing the styles while the search engines are mainly interested about the contents on the basis of which it ranks the site. PHP content Management System or the CMS is a process which utilizes the PHP scripting language to create the web page and at the same time manages the contents with the help of HTML. Thus this software helps you to create contents, documents and the images also. Therefore the crawlers of search engines can easily rate the site on the basis of the quality of the content. PHP content Management System helps to create more attractive web pages and at the same time making the content more useful and easily manageable. The biggest advantage of PHP content Management System is that it can be handled by even novices who have scant knowledge or experience of programming. There are many templates which one can choose while using the PHP content Management System.
PHP content Management System stores the data in different databases and makes it easier to be accessed by both the user and the search engines. Joomla is a very good example of PHP content Management System. It is a CMS system which uses the PHP programming language and stores information in a database. It has got many advantages like
1. Page caching,
2. RSS feeds,
3. Printable versions of pages,
4. News flashes,
5. Blogs,
6. Polls,
7. Website searching,
8. Language internationalization.
Joomla extensions and templates are available in the compressed forms like Zip files or RAR and can be used accordingly.
PHP or the "personal home page," is a scripting language which is used by most web designers who are tasked with development of dynamic web pages which requires a lot of future changes and updations. PHP is open source software and is compatible with most of the web browsers. When a web page which is using PHP is crawled by the crawler of the search engine, it analyses the PHP codes and creates the web page as the final result which the user can see. Now PHP is mostly used for great6ing the styles while the search engines are mainly interested about the contents on the basis of which it ranks the site. PHP content Management System or the CMS is a process which utilizes the PHP scripting language to create the web page and at the same time manages the contents with the help of HTML. Thus this software helps you to create contents, documents and the images also. Therefore the crawlers of search engines can easily rate the site on the basis of the quality of the content. PHP content Management System helps to create more attractive web pages and at the same time making the content more useful and easily manageable. The biggest advantage of PHP content Management System is that it can be handled by even novices who have scant knowledge or experience of programming. There are many templates which one can choose while using the PHP content Management System.
PHP content Management System stores the data in different databases and makes it easier to be accessed by both the user and the search engines. Joomla is a very good example of PHP content Management System. It is a CMS system which uses the PHP programming language and stores information in a database. It has got many advantages like
1. Page caching,
2. RSS feeds,
3. Printable versions of pages,
4. News flashes,
5. Blogs,
6. Polls,
7. Website searching,
8. Language internationalization.
Joomla extensions and templates are available in the compressed forms like Zip files or RAR and can be used accordingly.